Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009

Aquaculture: Study 'Organic Aquaculture 2009 – Production and Markets' published

Aquaculture: Study 'Organic Aquaculture 2009 – Production and Markets' published

The recently published study 'Organic Aquaculture 2009 – Production and Markets' looks back at the development of organic aquaculture production and identifies and describes important issues with regard to standards and laws. The study was published by Naturland and Organic Services.
Cover 'Organic Agriculture 2009'

It also offers statistical information on worldwide production and markets, ongoing research and development, and on the perspectives for developing countries, which are major players in conventional and organic aquaculture. In addition, it gives a comprehensive and easy overview of the status quo of organic aquaculture, upcoming developments and trends, challenges and perspectives, chances and constraints.

Thus, the book will serve as a tool for decision-makers in the aquaculture industry, as well as in related sector bodies, private certification and labelling organizations, governmental organizations, development agencies and international organizations.

The data was collected through desk top studies, standardized questionnaires sent out to certifications bodies and organic aquaculture producers, questionnaire-based interviews with producers, processors and traders and, additionally, in-depth-interviews with experts.